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This Month's Articles:

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Time to Pray

Should we not pray more?  Do we as the body of Christ do well equipping our people to pray?   


Why more prayer?  Because more than 1 of our sons or daughters a week for over 6 years has passed to opioid overdose.  Because there are 80 kids in foster care in Frederick County many of which have to be sent out of county to find foster families.  Because the divorce rate in Frederick County is higher than the rest of the state of Md.  Because there are hundreds of homeless on our streets.  Because abortion continues to be chosen as a way to solve the problem of unplanned pregnancies both among the married and the unmarried, because people are financially struggling.   

Why more prayer?  Because 50% of households are one crisis away from bankruptcy.  Because 37k households (36%) of frederick can't afford basic needs like housing, transportation, food, health care.  Because the pagan festival in Frederick has been running for 7 years now inviting demonic activity to Frederick.  Because the Frederick lynchings have never been publicly repented of.  Because the Islamic Society of Frederick has close to a thousand members in Frederick.  Because the clustered spires of mainline denominations in Frederick teach a false gospel and encourage homosexual marriage and abortion.  Because our schools are often negative toward Jesus Christ.   Because Frederick County Schools transition kids without notifying parents.  Because there is a rash of gender dysphoria.  Because social media and the internet are sucking the life out of our kids, bringing and pandemic of depression.  Because 17 veterans a day commit suicide.  Because 132 americans a day commit suicide.   

Why pray?  Because truth is hard to find in the news and polarization has captured the nation.  Because slavery and racial discrimination and its wounds still require deep healing.  Because greed and power threaten to enslave our nation in godless tyranny.   

Why pray?  We need the Lord to come.   


Why Pray?  Because Jesus most passionate moment was overturning money changer tables and crying out that His house will be a house of prayer for all nations.  A House of prayer for all nations.   

God says in Isaiah 66, what kind of house will you build for me?  Where is the first place the Bible says someone was filled with the Holy Spirit?  The mundane Bezalel, who was the designer and builder of the Tabernacle in the desert.  Why, because God's Spirit is restoring all things, His Spirit is life, His Spirit is Holy, evil must not touch the tree of life, But life is God's destiny for man.  David asked to build God a house and God guaranteed David an eternal throne, Solomon built the temple and like Moses' dedication of the desert tabernacle, the glory of God fell and no one could stand.   

What kind of house will you build for me, God says?  David said, How lovely is Your dwelling place, my soul yearns, even faints for the courts of the Lord.  Just like creation groans for the revelation of the sons of God, God doesn't dwell in temples made of stone, but the tabernacle and temple is God's map to show us that His Spirit would be poured out on all flesh, that you and I would be the temple of the Holy Spirit, that we, together are where God intends His glory, holiness, power to dwell.  This is the mystery kept hidden from the creation of the world, now made known to the principalities and powers in the heavenlies, Christ in us the hope of glory.  The river of Ezekiel flowed from where?  The temple!   Out into the dry places, ankle deep, knee deep, waist deep and then over the head, bringing life where there was wasteland, restorer of the breach and streets where people dwell?   

What kind of house will you build for me?  A house where the veil has been torn down and we boldly go before the throne of grace to do what?  To ask for help in our time of need.  Just like Jesus with loud cries and tears, as a Melchizedekian priest, continually offers intercession for us.  The Spirit knows the heart of God and prays for us with groans that words cannot express.  A house where we boldly go behind the veil into the very presence of the living God, creation of all things, by the blood of the slain lamb, the firstborn over all creation, the firstborn from among the dead.  We go there and cast down our crowns and cry holy.   

Why do we pray?  Because this is the heart of God, that we be in His presence at all times, dynamic moment by moment filled with His Spirit and strength, singing and making music in our hearts, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ…Because Paul was speaking of Christ and His church, washing His bride with the water of the word and being presented to Him as a radiant Bride.  God's goal is a whole people, a whole city with foundations of precious stones, streets of gold, pearl gates, river flowing down the middle, lit with the presence of Jesus, where there is no more tears, no more sickness, no more war.    

Why do we pray?  Because God invited Abraham to talk about Sodom and Gomorrah.  Because Moses prayed and God changed His mind a relented from destroying the Israelites in the desert.  Because Elijah prayed and didn't rain and then prayed and it did.  Because Jehoshaphat, when confronted with an innumerable enemy horde, did what every powerful, effective leader should do, fell on his face before God and cried out for help.   

Why do we pray, because the longest book of the Bible is the book of prayer, the Psalms, which Jesus quotes repeatedly, even on the cross up to His death; because the authors of the New Testament quote the Psalms endlessly.   

Why do we pray, because Job cried out for an intercessor.  Because Jesus ever lives to make intercession for the saints.  Because the Holy Spirit intercedes for us.  Because Paul prayed without ceasing for the churches.  Because John was in the Spirit on the Lord's day.  Because the effectual and fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  Because Jesus said to pray without ceasing like the woman and the unjust judge, like the friend with visitors in the middle of the night.  Because Jesus said, to Ask and Seek and Knock.  Because Isaiah and Ezekiel called for watchman on the wall.   

Why do we pray?  Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you in due time, casting all your cares on Him because He cares for you.   

So, what might prayer look like in Frederick?   

  • Every home should have a prayer altar, where men and women pray personally and moms and dads, husbands and wives lead their families in prayer with habitual consistency.   
    • Prayer Rhythms:  Like Daniel, three times a day is a great rhythm that the 24/7 prayer house teaches, models and equips to do.  Lords' prayer in the morning, prayer for the lost at noon and thanksgiving, confession and reflection at night.   
    • Prayer Calendar:  A prayer calendar lists one person for each day of the month to contact, hear needs and pray for.  This is an amazing release of joy and life for those who pray and increase of fellowship among believers.   
    • Believers should pray for their neighbors to find Christ (many of us the Bless Every Home app).  The Lord opens divine appointments when we pray.   
  • Local Church – churches should prioritize prayer together.  This includes: 
    • Prayer for the strength of the life of Christ flowing through ministry in, among and through their local church equipping saints for ministry.  Is there a strong undercurrent of prayer undergirding everything your church does?   
    • Prayer together for the Lord to move in the spheres of influence where they work and live; for the community around where the church brings Jesus in word and deed.  The Prayer Canopy sends out updates and testimonies received from these spheres.   
  • Community –  
    • Spheres of Influence – believers should be praying together with believers from other churches at their place of work and in their neighborhoods.  Again, the Prayer Canopy sends out updates and testimonies from these spheres in Frederick.   
    • Church wide prayer gatherings – Churches should encourage their members to pray with other churches at key places and times, FCA Jericho walks, National Day of Prayer, Gathering at Baker Park, 24/7 prayer house walks, opioid prayer walks, 24 hour prayer gatherings, etc.   
    • Spiritual warfare – Many are called to deeper intercession for local, national and international work of the Kingdom of God overcoming the enemy and bringing the Father's Kingdom.   
      Our commission is to go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the nae of the Father the son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded.  Teach to obey is the commission.  Teach to obey what?  All that Jesus commanded.  Jesus commanded that we love one another as He loved us.  Jesus commands are to love.  How do we love one another?  We love one another by accessing our greatest privilege, the moment by moment access behind the veil to present our requests to God, the privilege of talking to God about everything we face, hearing His guidance and receiving His strength as He works together with us, doing exceedingly abundantly more than all we could ask or imagine according to His power at work within us.   

      The Great Commission, leads us to the Great Commandment, which drives us deeper into the Great Privilege which is intimate daily prayer before the Lord.   

      So, should we not commit ourselves to greater prayer?  What are you doing at the church you serve to equip your people to pray?  How can we work together as Ephesians 4 ministers to equip the saints in our churches to pray and shine as lights in every sphere in Frederick?  What tools and resources do you use to equip your saints to pray?    

      Let's do this together.   

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