A Holy God and a Peculiar People
by Rod Levey, PMF Director
There is still a strong desire within God to have a separated people: a people He can call His own; a certain people who will set all their affections upon Him and Him only; those who will consider it a great joy and an honor to follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
I believe the American Church is continually entering into a deeper state of deception and compromise. Have we lost all discernment and spiritual sanity? It seems as though our imaginations are running rampant, similar to the Laodiceans. We say and believe many things about ourselves that are far from being the truth. Let’s just say it: they were deceived, and so are we in many ways. The Lord addresses the Laodicean church in verse 17 of Revelation chapter 3 saying, “Because you say... and do not know.” They really thought things were running along nicely, things were really in good shape… they were living for God...so they thought. In their minds, things were in order, life was good and they were rich. The truth was revealed by the Lord that they were blind and did not know the truth of their state of being. Their true condition was not the accepted condition of He who is True.
It appears we’re at a place of calling good evil and evil good (Isaiah 5:20). We think we’re rich when in reality we are poor, and the poor are really the rich (Revelation 2:8). We’re finding more of the ways of the world in the church rather than the ways of God in the world. Have we totally lost our way? Do we have any clue what it means to walk as “sons of God” on the earth?
The Laodiceans were oblivious to their true condition until a Light was shown on the situation. The messenger came speaking truth into their lives. They honestly thought they were rich and had need of nothing. How many of us are running around imagining the same thing?
In our lives or in our church or ministries we have the “spirituals” moving and flowing. The supernatural is taking place. The gifts are really flowing and active. Our worship services are electrifying. Prophecies, deliverance ministry and much expression of “spiritual” power being displayed…WE ARE RICH!!! We have need of nothing. Are we deceived and think we are rich also? The Lord said the Laodiceans were pitiable, poor, blind and naked. They were deserving of pity. Maybe you know an individual or churches who are blind to the truth and in your heart say, oh God, have mercy on them, and Lord, help them to see the truth. Father, will you please awaken them to You and who You are. Let them see You and what You’re really after.
Jesus said the Laodiceans were naked; they were now exposed, and a revealing was taking place. The truth was now coming into their lives in hopes of it setting them free from their blind deception. Have you noticed the goodness of God still at work exposing? Many big-name ministers and ministries are being brought into the light for all to see. They have much “power” at work on stage, but little working of power within their own personal lives offstage. They work well in the stage lights but they and many others aren’t aware of their true stage of spiritual development until the evidence is brought out of darkness into the light. They have great teaching and preaching and draw great numbers together, but how are they doing in drawing their own marriages and families together? Better yet, how are they doing drawing themselves into a position under our Lord’s governing hand? They may be saying, “Look at the evidence of God’s blessing on our lives: we minister to the multitudes. Look at the power being revealed in our meetings.”
Are we aware of the different powers working in this age, the deceiving spirits? Are we alert to the workings of the deceiver in this hour? Have we forgotten how Satan comes in as an angel of light working with all power and signs and lying wonders? Have we learned, or do we remember how to discern or test the spirits to see if they are from God?
In the famous Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5, we see a multitude, God’s creation, and it says in verse one through two, “And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. Then He opened His mouth and taught them.”
It almost seems odd at first glance that Jesus would dismiss Himself when “Seeing the multitude.” Was He tired? Did He all of a sudden become indifferent? What was His motivation, what was His strategy? Why did He move away from them instead of toward them?
I believe His plan was the very pattern needed then which is also needed today; He wanted some disciples who would receive an impartation of His very being, His very heart. He was investing His life in a handful of men who would take hold of His words, eat them and become conformed to His very image. Jesus was now going to speak into the core of their being. He was going to teach using not only His mouth but by example in regard to the issues of the heart and being a true follower of God. He was going to go to the depths of the spirit of the man. This is a totally different viewpoint than a man being used by different spirits to display “spirituals” without being changed in the inner man. Jesus wanted a certain kind of people to send back out to the multitudes. His desire stands true even today. He’s still looking for a separated people called unto Him who will be willing to go past merely flowing in some kind of power or gifting and accept the position of receiving His power to become like Him. This being changed to be like Him would be for the profit of three distinct categories of people: for Jesus Himself, for the disciples own welfare and for the welfare of the multitudes.
We’re talking about sons and daughters that have been willing and are willing to be refined and defined - those willing to have their motivations addressed and their mixtures and impurities cleansed. The counsel to the Laodiceans was, “Buy from Me gold refined in the fire.” Gold speaks of the divine nature; to buy means there has to be a price paid. There needs to be something of value given in order to receive something of value. Jesus gave it all, His entire life, in order to receive unto Himself something of value (you and me). Will you and I now lay down our most precious asset… ourselves, to receive the gold nature? God’s desire is for us to buy from Him in order that we may become rich with Him, which is true riches.
The entire Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7, focuses in on the issues of the heart and the way to act out, or should I say, conduct our lives on this earth. The Lord speaks to the essence of the person and the kind of person we should be becoming. He was teaching as one who doesn’t teach one thing and live another way. Jesus’ emphasis was on being Christ- like, not “spiritual”! There’s so much spiritual activity being labeled as “God,” when in reality it is just “spiritual activity” and the source is not “The Holy Spirit.” The source is either the devil or the soul. Can we get beyond trying to be “spiritual?” Can we get beyond having to have a “spiritual” experience at any cost and have a single light within us to be like Christ instead of be “spiritual”?
Jesus left a certain domain and dimension to come to be the Incarnate, as a man to the earth. Now He’s looking for men and women on the earth to enter the dimension of Christ-likeness, not just being “spiritual”. He wants His full domain to be within us as King of kings and Lord of lords. He’s looking for men and women filled with Him and making no room for the adversary or the flesh.
When Jesus “saw the multitudes,” He knew they needed something genuine, without mixture. He took His disciples to the height of becoming and being what the multitude needed. He took His disciples to the mountaintop experience of having a renewed mind and a right spirit. He brought them from the lowlands, the earthly plane to ascend with Him to a different way of thinking and living their lives with God, before God and with mankind. This kind of living as a spirit-filled Christian would overshadow any workings of foreign “spiritual” activity and alien power being manifested. The power of a changed life from the inside out will always supersede random supernatural happenings. The greatest miracle on earth is to see an individual raised from spiritual death into spiritual life and become a vessel wherein there is nothing to be found in them where the enemy has any entrance.
God is refining us and defining us to be like Him in order for us to be compatible to Him. He is also refining us and defining us for the profit of one another. He is also refining us and defining us in order that the true sons of God would be revealed to the multitudes.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” This is a defined person/people. This speaks of a particular type of person. We are talking about a distinct and clear identity. This is an inner quality that should be an exposed fruit.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” This is a refined person/people. This speaks of being free of impurities, foreign contaminates and free from moral imperfections. This too is an inner quality that should be revealed in our daily lifestyle.
The Lord made it clear in Matthew 7:21-23 that “spiritual” exhibition and supernatural demonstration is not necessarily from or of the Lord. They were moving in a power and using His name yet were told, “Depart from Me, you that work lawlessness.” The act of lawlessness is of the spirit of the lawless one himself. The spirit of lawlessness was first revealed in the Garden of Eden by Lucifer, the cunning serpent. Satan tempted with the spirit of superiority and richness; you can be just like God. Satan basically said, if you yield to my voice and motives you will be like me. He is the usurper, the anti-Christ. He will slip in wherever and whenever he can to be as god in our lives. His lie is you are rich when you are “spiritual”. Look at the evidence of “spirituals” taking place...God must be with you. When in actuality we are to be pitied. This false god spirit is totally contrary to poverty of spirit which is found in our Savior. This false god spirit certainly had impure motives looking for self exaltation. Is there anyone out there that is tired of this spiritual activity going on under the guise of “in the name of Jesus?” “In your name,” nonsense!
The problem with being “spiritual” is that we become prideful and deceived, which elevates ourselves to a position of being untouchable; we don’t need another man in our life or even the Word of God because they aren’t spiritual enough. We need another “spiritual” experience or feeling as our guide. God wants and must have men and women full of the Holy Spirit. These people will be identified by their fruit, which is the character and nature of Jesus Christ. These people will be led by the Holy Spirit into all truth, not into a lifestyle of deception. Godliness will be the evidence of who they are and Who they really are submitted to.
The problems with being “spiritual” are multiple. The problem with being like Jesus is nothing.
The model stands proven and true still today; a people called and set apart to be with Jesus. The only way we’re going to taste, think and act like Him is to be with Him and in Him and He in us. Are you losing your flavor as the salt of the earth? Are you losing your distinct identity, that distinguishable seasoning, that certain aroma that Paul talks of in 2Cor. 2:14-16? Take steps toward Him. Let the Lord teach you and fill you. Let Him re-season you in the time apart with Him. Then go back down and let the multitude taste and see that the Lord is good. Let them see He is pure white. Allow yourself to be sifted down to someone small (poor in spirit), just one tiny grain of many. Let us be special and peculiar in Christ and like Christ. Salt is very distinct in color and flavor as we should be also.
So, as we continue on fighting to the finish, let’s keep in mind that lowliness is the way to holiness and high-mindedness is the way to ungodliness.
James wrote it clearly: James 4: 6-10, “God resists the proud [those that appear above others] but gives grace to the humble [those lowly in spirit]. Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded.”
If only Adam and Eve would have resisted the serpent. If only they would have drawn near to God for help instead of desiring a position of something other than what He had already made them. If only they would have been content, or you might say at rest, to be made in His image and likeness. If only they would have been faithful to obey God’s words and function in their God given responsibility to protect the garden. Their “if only” are now our “If only”. In our daily garden experience, which voice will we buy into? “Be like God,” or be with God, obey God and guard His nature, which is already within us, from infiltration of mixture? “Spiritual” powers at work can never be measured or equated to Christ-like maturity. Are we looking for some kind of power to be special or will we be that special people flowing from His power?
In Acts 1:8, Jesus spoke to His disciples before His ascension saying, “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Witness speaks of not only evidence as in evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit, but is also the Greek word for martyr. A martyr is a person who sacrifices his life for the sake of principle. They will stand alone and even die for adhering to a belief, faith or an individual to whom they are, without compromise, sold out to. A true martyr refuses to sell his inheritance for personal gain in the moment of weakness as did Esau. Jesus fought violently in His wilderness temptation. Jesus the man stood against the voice of the enemy, not to mention the experience and feelings with, “It is written.” Jesus would not bow to worship Satan and all the riches he offered. He stayed true to His Father as a living martyr. Jesus had one motivation while on earth as a man… to glorify (honor) His Father. Jesus didn’t grasp at being equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation. He emptied Himself of all self.
God Divine is making a people refined and defined in 2009. Let’s continue to make Him Lord in our lives, dismiss all that is not of Him and walk together as a called out people, giving our Father glory in all that we say and do. The Apostle Peter spoke clearly in his first letter chapter one, verses fifteen and sixteen, “But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy.’” Also in chapter two verse nine, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that we should show forth the praises (virtues) of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” A peculiar people certainly doesn’t mean a weird, ungodly people. It’s different in the sense of being a holy people, not full of the world, the flesh and foreign power, but full of the Holy Spirit.
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