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This Month's Articles:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thurlow Switzer: Casting Charms Beneath Green Trees

Recently the Lord has impressed on me an urgent message about the need for revival and restoration, an impression which originated from a prophetic reading from Jeremiah 3:1-19 (NKJV). In the days of Josiah the King, Jeremiah saw the nation of his day involved in divorce, adultery, pollution, wickedness, shameless conduct, treachery and pretense. The nation had played the harlot with many lovers without shame (3:1-10). They would not acknowledge their iniquity and transgression; they had “scattered their charms to alien deities under every green tree” and had not “obeyed the voice of the Lord” (3:12-13). God cannot bless a dysfunctional, worldly, compromised church. Yet, often the enemy may work to create an appearance of success.

When will the church wake up? We live in a new day and a positive direction is happening across the country and the world today with a genuine return to New Testament Christian apostolic faith. This trend will become more dramatic as the darkness becomes more emphatic and as mere religion becomes more sensate and external in nature.

What is the nature of this return to New Testament Christianity? Spiritually, God is restoring a people for His name, a bride for His glory, and a nation for His dominion. Functionally, God is restoring local church body-life, church-of-the-city unity and working regional relationships as the true expression of Kingdom life and Godly reality. Practically, saints are being edified, workers trained, and leaders equipped. The church of Christ is prayerfully moving to a more mature and glorious state.

The apostles in Acts 3:19 proclaimed they were in the “days” which were the “times of the restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of His holy prophets.” Jeremiah is speaking to necessary realities for a church or leadership team committed to walking and serving in the fullness of New Covenant truth.

Jeremiah prophetically spoke of several dimensions that are critical to a biblical restoration.

(1) God will restore “SHEPHERDS ACCORDING TO HIS HEART;” shepherds who will feed the people with knowledge and understanding (Jer 3:15).

(2) God will reestablish the “ARK OF THE COVENANT” even in the face of many people forgetting about covenant between brothers (vs.16).

(3) God will magnify “THE THRONE OF GOD” and all peoples will be gathered to the name of the Lord (vs. 17).

(4) God will bring His people from diverse identities and associations (e.g. Israel and Judah) to a place of unity and working together so that they may be able to appropriate the “INHERITANCE.” (vs. 18).

(5) God will bring His people to a time when those children of God who have not turned away from God will acknowledge the FATHER and receive the beautiful heritage of the host of nations (vs. 19).

This positive restoration in the Jeremiah passage is set against the backdrop of a society, which had fallen into a backslidden condition and many were tossing their “charms beneath green trees” (v. 15). Today, not only are there many in the general so-called Christian world but also there are many in a charismatic movement that has gone amuck in many ways; who are involved in the “charms” of religion, instead of the full reality of Biblical discipleship in Christ. Such folks are superficial and seek to avoid any sense of responsibility and going deeper in Christ. They are scattering their charms to alien deities under every green tree, but not obeying the voice of the Lord.

May you be faithful my brother as a true saint among God’s people to bring knowledge and understanding to God’s people. May God restore an emphasis on the Ark of the Covenant and may His leaders seek the “covenant of brotherhood” in their city. May Christ Jesus be enthroned as Lord with His name exalted. May the Church in unity seize its inheritance, and may the heart of the children be restored to the heart of the Father. These Biblical mandates may sound simple, but they require a total consecration of heart.

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